State of North East Asia & Taiwan with Catherine Shu

State of North East Asia & Taiwan with Catherine Shu
Catherine Shu from TechCrunch discuss the state of startups & venture capital in Northeast Asia, with a focus on Taiwan & the major forces in China.
Catherine Shu (@catherineshu) from TechCrunch shares with us her perspectives on the state of Northeast Asia (China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan & Hong Kong) from interesting companies to startups. In the discussion, we analysed the BAT (Baidu-Alibaba-Tencent) companies in China and the emerging Xiaomi gearing to step out globally out of China. We also deep dived into the startup and venture capital ecosystem in Taiwan and how the country is moving upstream to be a force in hardware startups. Lastly, we take a quick run through on the remaining countries in North East Asia.

Here are the interesting links for the discussion:

Podcast Information:

The show is hosted by Bernard Leong (@bleongcw) and is sponsored by Ideal Workspace (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn).
