Digital Data and Trends in Asia Pacific with Simon Kemp

Simon Kemp, the founder of Kepios and global consultant from We are Social joined us to discuss the recent published report “Digital Data and Trends in Asia Pacific”. He discussed the objectives, methodologies and intended audience of the report and specifically examined the most important and interesting trends on web, mobile and social media across Asia Pacific from messaging apps to voice messaging happening from China to the rest of Asia.  Last but not least, Simon also share his forecast on what will be important in 2017.

Here are the interesting show notes and links to the discussion (with time-stamps included):

  • Simon Kemp (@eskimon, LinkedIn), Founder of Kepios, Global Consultant from We Are Social. [0:42]
    • How did you start your career? [1:17]
    • What is your current coverage as a founder of Kepios and consultant for We are Social? [1:49]
    • In your journey so far, what are the career lessons that you can share with us? [2:33]
  • Digital Data and Trends in Asia Pacific [3:21]
    • Every year, you will work together with We are Social & Hootsuite and publish an in-depth study of internet, social media & mobile around the world, what are the objectives of the report and who is the intended audience of the report? [3:42]
    • What are the methodologies and datasets which you put together in the report? [5:11]
    • What are the key metrics you have used to look at Internet, social media and mobile across the report? [6:33]
    • What are the key trends you can summarize for Asia Pacific (China, India, East and Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand)  in 2016? [8:22]
    • How is Asia growing as a region as compared to the rest? [11:10]
    • What are the surprising things from your data tell you about Internet, mobile and social media? [13:46]
    • What are the common social media tools you have seen across Asia Pacific (minus China) and what are the behavior of the users? Specifically for China, what are the key social media tools and their user behavior? [17:32]
    • Why chatbots don’t work in Asia and Facebook is losing out to the Asian competitors [21:56]
    • Do you see the tools different from the age demographics for example, millennials using snapchat or instagram or older people with facebook? [23:24]
    • What are the underlying trends for messaging apps in Asia vs Whatsapp and FB messenger? How are digital marketers leveraging on messaging apps as compared to standard social media tools? [27:00]
    • What are the key things to watch for the year 2017? [29:10]

We share the “Digital Trends & Data in 2017” across the world here for your reference:

2017 Digital Yearbook from We Are Social Singapore

Podcast Information:

The show is hosted by Bernard Leong (@bleongcw) and are sponsored by Ideal Workspace (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn) with their new Altizen Desk on Indiegogo (Twitter, Facebook, Medium). Also check out Ideal Workspace’s new standing desk, Altizen and sign up for their mailing list. Sound credits for the intro music: Taro Iwashiro, “The Beginning” from Red Cliff Soundtrack.

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