Twitter in Asia Pacific with Aliza Knox

Aliza Knox, the managing director for online sales for Asia Pacific (APAC) & Latin America (LATAM) joined us for an interesting to discuss Twitter’s footprint in Asia Pacific. Aliza offer insights to how twitter is used in Asia Pacific from all walks of life, from citizens using it to communicate during major disasters (for e.g. Nepal and Japan), political leaders from Indonesia and India keeping in touch with their citizens and businesses & brands such as Toyota and SingTel leveraging on the social media platform to deliver advertising campaigns and engage customers in real time on service issues. Last but not least Aliza offered great advice on joining company boards for aspiring career professionals.
Here are the interesting notes and links to the discussion:
- Career of Aliza Knox (@alizaknox):
- We discuss her career journey: BCG, Charles Schwab, VISA, Google and Twitter. What were her experiences and lessons learnt in the journey?
- Why did she move from San Francisco to Singapore?
- Twitter in APAC:
- An brief introduction to Twitter as a company and its history.
- What are the countries in Asia Pacific growing on Twitter and how users are doing it differently?
- Japan: Twitter users in Japan have several handles and usually with their real names or avatars. A short discussion on Hello Kitty’s 40th birthday used by Japanese twitter users
- Korea: Growing twitter usage.
- China: Chinese businesses uses twitter to communicate with customers outside China
- Southeast Asia with Indonesia and Philippines leading the pack and using twitter as a way to do commerce.
- Twitter as a tool for citizens to communicate during major disasters or events in Asia:
- Usage of Twitter in political elections for example, registering younger citizens to vote. We cover usage of twitter for the political elections in India and Indonesia.
- Twitter as a tool to communicate in times of disaster or coordinate disaster relief: Nepal Earthquake (#nepalearthquake), Japan Tsunami and Earthquake in 2011 (See this reference)
- Interesting political leaders in Asia with twitter accounts and their usage to communicate with their voters and citizens: Narendra Modi (Prime Minister of India), Jokowi (President of Indonesia), Lee Hsien Loong (Prime Minister of Singapore) and Najib Razak (Prime Minister of Malaysia)
- How are brands and companies in APAC using twitter? What do they use it for? customer care or brand engagement?
- SingTel Singapore: 18% engagement rate with promoted tweet, 17% daily brand mentions, 39% increase in 4G traffic – 32K engagements, 1.54M impressions with 4G promotion and videos.
- Toyota Australia: 208% ROI, Engagement rate 33% above the mark, cost per entry: 29% above target.
- Other interesting cases we did not manage to cover: Huawei (China)
- Twitter is highly effective for marketing communications and crisis management during periods of specific events, for example, World Cup 2014 and Air Asia crisis. How do brands utilise these event opportunities to engage their customers?
- How Oreo won the marketing superbowl with a timely blackout ad on twitter.
- New twitter products in Asia: Periscope and Vine and in fact the medical professionals were the first to use Periscope before the tech conferences.
- Women in Boards
- Aliza offering her thoughts on aspiring women professionals in their careers, particularly in joining boards. In fact, the same advice can be applied to men too.
Podcast Information:
The show is hosted by Bernard Leong (@bleongcw) and are sponsored by Ideal Workspace (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn) and Linkcious (and check out their other product, Chiibi).